full body massage
Our bodies are fully and intricately connected, and this is the massage that addresses all of the unique trigger points, adhesions and energetic blocks that create discomfort. We’ll take a moment to check in on your daily life to help determine the types of stress that are settling in your body. Then I’ll work through your body at it’s pace, allowing the muscles and connective tissues to fully release, ensuring a deeper and longer lasting feeling of relaxation and calm. This massage typically lasts two to two and a half hours and you should expect to spend about three hours for the session.
It’s been quite the whirlwind ride these last three years, no? As we all settle into the endemic phase of COVID we can let our guard down a little, but there’s no need to discontinue some pretty awesome habits we learned.
Washing your hands is still a super awesome way to stop the spread of viruses, so we should totally keep that up.
While I absolutely love seeing you, I don’t want to see you when you’re not feeling well. So, you’ll still never be penalized for having to cancel an appointment due to illness. And I’ll do my best to get you back on my table in a timely fashion once you’re feeling better.
And finally, I would like to thank you all for your patience, co-operation and understanding these last three years. You’re the best clients I could have ever hoped for.
i’ve moved!
315 E Main Street, Suite #208
The building is on the NE corner of 3rd and Main Street. As before, you’ll be going through a set of glass doors on the street level, but now will have the option of using an elevator if you’re just not feeling the stairs. I’m excited to grow with you into this new space.
See you on my table soon!
Gift Certificates
Gift Certificates
Full Body Massage Gift Certificates are available for purchase at $225 each.
Your Gift Certificate(s) will be sent via email within 24 business hours of your purchase.